BabyFruit Ticker

Thursday, May 30, 2013

26 Weeks

I'm starting to freak out just a little bit...
In roughly 14 weeks we will be a family of 3! I will be a mom. JD will be a dad. The last 26 weeks have flown by, I'm terrified that I am going to blink and it will be September! There are moments when I need JD to dunk me in the pool.

Snap out of it!

I'm getting to the point where, other than my growing bump, I can tell my body is not quite the same. Normal things like bending over, getting off the couch, getting in and out of bed are much more difficult than they used to be. My sciatica has been killing me and normally curling up in the fetal position helps...but I can't quite make it into the fetal position. I end up in some pose that resembles a cat.

JD asked me to grab his bottle of water on the floor of the car the other day...had to unbuckle, skooch forward and lean sideways...but I got it!

So, 26 weeks. Nugget is the size of a head of lettuce...or an eggplant. Again, could you be a little more specific on the version of lettuce, please? Are we talking Boston lettuce? Red Leaf? Micro Greens??
U.F.O. is getting ready to open his/her eyes. The eyelashes are growing. I'm passing along my antibodies to boost up Nugget's immune system. Getting ready for life on the outside with other germy kids. Amazingly, Nugget is also taking breaths of amniotic fluid. Apparently, this is a good thing and the baby doesn't drown. Whew. 

I am supposed to start paying attention to swelling. Mild swelling is ok. Severe or sudden...not OK...this could be a sign of preeclampsia. A condition where your blood flow is restricted and can lead to some unwanted outcomes. I watched Season 3 of Downton Abbey...poor Lady Sybil. 

Braxton-Hicks Contractions have started. Not quite a scary as I thought they would be. So far it just feels like my belly gets really tight all of a sudden. Then it passes. Easy, peasy. 

Symptoms at 26 weeks:
-Trouble sleeping: What? I'm sorry I was snoozing...because I don't sleep at night. JD would argue that I do, but just because I fall asleep easily, doesn't mean I stay asleep. The last few nights I have been tossing and turning. Then I inevitably kick my body pillow out of bed. Have to get out of bed to reach it. (Our mattress is roughly 3.5 feet in the air). I've also been waking up really early too. If I were smart, I'd just get up and exercise...but I have pregnancy brain so...
-Swelling: I'm judging this mostly on how tight my wedding ring is. Still fits like normal. No swelling!
-Headaches: Negative. I drink water like a champion.
-Pregnancy brain: I really don't think it's too bad. I might have to go down to the kitchen 6 times because I keep forgetting to do what I intend to do. But I haven't put the cat in the fridge or anything weird yet.
-Higher blood pressure: Not sure...Dr. tomorrow.

Speaking of exercise. My fabulous fit sister Amanda has urged me to sign up for this prenatal Pilates class. It is the only prenatal class I have found and I think it will be a bit too intense for me. She thinks it would be good for me to meet other pregnant ladies and have someone to commiserate know share our fears of our vaginae (spell-check tells me this is the plural of vagina...fascinating) falling out...

I think we have successfully sorted out the plan for medical insurance for the babe which is a load off. Now we are on our way to finding a pediatrician. Help! Area moms with recommendations? Are family practice doctors just as good with kids as a pediatrician? Or do you really need a pediatrician? 

This past weekend was Memorial Day Weekend! #mwd for all you hashtaggers. My first sober MDW since You can get a lot done when you aren't playing lawn games and drinking! We (and by we I mean JD, my big bro Jason, Irv and Kyle) laid down the hardwood floor in the nursery. It looks amazing! We just have to finish painting the closet and put up the baseboards and molding. Woo hoo! 
I ordered an area rug for the room and I really cannot wait to get started putting everything together and decorating. 
June, Jacklyn, Shane and myself weeded a good portion of the yard. There are weeds I've never seen before back there. It needs a little more TLC but it will look great after a few more weekends of hard work. 

Apparently JD and the baby bond when I fall asleep at night because the baby kicks like crazy. Adorable. And I'm pretty impressed I can sleep through that!

I'm a little nervous about getting weighed tomorrow. I have definitely been indulging in cravings. Last weekend I made home made ice cream sandwiches with chocolate chip cookies and homemade coconut ice cream. They last 5 minutes. Yesterday the Dining Hall at school/work had chocolate chip cookies, Cocoa Puff treats and frozen yogurt soft serve...I had all 3. Fat kid.

 I feel like the bump got smaller...

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