BabyFruit Ticker

Friday, June 7, 2013

27 Weeks...Not Dresses

Part of me really did like that stupid movie with Katherine Heigl and James Marsden...then I realized instead of complaining and being a bridesmaid martyr Katherine Heigl's character could have just said no! You know how expensive it can be to be in the wedding party, but we all do it because we love the bride/groom. She must have had to take out loans to support her bridesmaid habit. How can you be that close to 27 different brides? 

I digress...

27 Weeks. The final week of the 2nd trimester. Funny story...I just received my 2nd trimester packet from the doctor last week. Hey thanks! This will come in handy for the next 6 days. The nurse scolded me because I hadn't scheduled my glucose screen yet...I didn't even know I had to until last week and it wasn't MY FAULT that no one in YOUR OFFICE told me about it! "Did you miss an appointment?" "No I did not." "Well you're running out of time"...ugh. Also you don't schedule appointments with a lab, you walk in. 
So, having to "hurry up and get it done ASAP" I decided that Tuesday morning I would get up extra early to get to the lab when they open at 7am...the time my Doctor and the lab order form indicated it opens. Well well of April 1st the lab opens at 8am. "Oh the Doctor offices have the old forms"...well maybe you should have made sure they got new forms because I don't know, people might just assume they contain accurate information...ugh for the 2nd time. 
Luckily I am incredibly skilled at using the Internet and discovered a different lab in Putnam that opens at 6am. So, me and some really old people waited to get our blood taken at 7am. They make you drink this god-awful sugar water that tasted like what I imagine one of these tasted like: 
Remember these?? We weren't given sugary drinks as kids so I luckily never experienced it.

Then once you have pounded 12oz of pure sugar in 5 minutes they make you sit in the waiting room for exactly one hour and then steal 2 vials of your blood. The purpose is to determine whether or not you have gestational diabetes. The test determines if you have high amounts of sugar in your blood. If you do then your body probably isn't processing sugar properly. I'm confident that won't be an issue for me. My body has been processing sugar like a champion since my first Chilmark Chocolate.

They are 100% worth the wait

Speaking of Chilmark...JD and I spent the weekend on the glorious rock that is Martha's Vineyard. I would absolutely loaf off the tourists and live there year round. We had a perfect beach day Saturday, although the ocean was still about 50 degrees. The men were brave and went in...the water was so cold I couldn't even brave it long enough to pee. (I don't want to hear all pee in the ocean, admit it).
Sunday we took a lovely stroll in Edgartown. The island was so nice and quiet. Should be a little bit busier when I go out Independence Day Weekend.
(Can I rant for a second? "I thought you were already ranting..." We call holiday weekends "Day Weekend". Well is it a day or a weekend? It is Labor Day Weekend...the weekend around Labor day. I vote to get rid of the day part and make the closest weekend to all holidays long weekends. Labor Weekend, Memorial Weekend, Independence Weekend. Rant over.) 

The third ...ugh of the week came when I discovered that the woman who made my next 2 appointments did so with a different Doctor in the practice. Now I understand schedules are busy, but I'm not being unreasonable is assuming that my pregnancy is the most important pregnancy going on in that office! I called to fix it a few days later and the rock star receptionist in that office not only fixed those two appointments but made my remaining 6 appointments right then and there to make sure I had them with my doctor. Thank you for restoring my faith in humans. 

In the last month I gained 8 pounds...bringing my total pregnancy weight gain to a whopping 17lbs. Since I'm only supposed to gain 25-35 lbs total and I'm just now approaching the point where I will gain 1 pound a week...I will have gained 31 lbs by my due date. If I continue to gain 2 lbs a week I will be at 45lbs...yikes! I think the homemade ice cream sandwiches need to scale back a bit. Exercise! Waiting for the pool to open and then I can do some water aerobics. I will channel Jane Fonda. 
This lady is having a blast!

This last week I commuted to or from the Boston area for work a couple times. Last week I sat in traffic for 90 minutes to go 10 miles. This morning I had a nice easy drive to Pomfret from Framingham...brought me back to my days of commuting to C&E. Saw this on The Chive today:

and was reminded how much I don't miss commuting on the Mass Pike. Too many idiots like this without the happy ending. Karma, jerk. 

Week 27:
Nugget is the size of a rutabaga, showing signs of brain activity and giving his/her lungs a work out. Baby is also getting quite a work out with lots of kicking and punching. JD and I have fun laying in bed at night watching my belly move in all sorts of directions. Nugget went to its first Bruins game last night where it could hear all the crowd noise. I'm pretty sure Crazy Sarah scared the babe. Nugget was going nuts in my belly. Or just being excited for the B's! When the Bruins scored their first goal I tried to stand up really fast to cheer and made it about halfway before my body weight pulled me back down to my seat. 

Symptoms this week: The usual suspects
-Leg Cramps: Only during the night when I didn't eat a 
-Backaches: Only when I work in the garden...
-Skin, hair, nail changes: My skin has improved. Still iffy, but so much better than it was! I haven't noticed much about my hair other than I look pretty H-O-T with bangs. My nails are growing very quickly and strong. I've always had brittle nails. Thank you Prenatal vitamins.
-Snissing: This might be the best name ever. Peeing when you sneeze. Thankfully I have not had this problem. However...we were at the Bruins game last night. It was an epic battle. Tied 1-1 in the 2nd OT round about 12:03am... hero Patrice Bergeron scored the game winning goal against the Penguins from Pittsburgh. Since we were already standing (and had been throughout both OTs) I threw my arms in the air and yelled...and a little pee came out. So instead of snissing it was cheessing (cheer and pee). embarrassing. Adult diapers here I come.

Side note: The Bruins game was so awesome. There is nothing like a hockey game. I enjoy sports in general for the most part but nothing compares to hockey. The energy in the arena was crazy. It was so incredibly loud at some points. I imagined the baby cowering in my belly  so I gave it a reassuring rub for most of the game. 
Super fans

This lady was filming Sidney Crosby during the warm ups. I thought "maybe that is his mom" but then I remembered that he is 25 and doesn't need his mom to record his warm up anymore...not judging.

I am about halfway through my Bradley Method birthing book and am finding it very fascinating. While terrified of what labor will really be like, I do think these exercises will lead to a beautiful, calm birth. The women in this book are laughing and happy and I can only hope that is the case with me!

 To Do's:
-Choose a baby/family doctor. Working on it! 
-Finish the nursery: We have the I-man coming next week to help put up the baseboards and moulding. Then we can start to decorate!! 

So Week 27 photo...This was at 2am when we arrived at our hotel in Framingham...the ever classy Motel 6. Where the only food option was a vending thanks. And the drink machine was sold out of water. Neither of these made for a very happy mama-to-be at 2am...evidenced by this photo:
Go B's!

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