BabyFruit Ticker

Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Week 23

Refreshed and relaxed from our California vacation…until I went to work today. This weekend is Alumni Reunion on campus, so its an all hands on deck sort of thing. I love these events. They are a lot of work and tiring, but a lot of fun. I'm glad we had a week off prior to it. JD is celebrating his 15th high school reunion this weekend…I married an old man. 
No, no! I said Old Man not Oldman.

We had a fabulous time in Cali. I might need another blog just to talk about that trip! We hiked, we ate, we relaxed, we toured the Warner Bros. studios, we ate, we laughed, I cried, we ate, and we spent some real good quality time together as a family. Olin and JD are new best friends…sorry Willis. Looks like you might need a new texting buddy.
Here is a link to photos from our trip (I hope you like landscape shots!): I got all my sisters with me!

Baby is the size of a grapefruit this week….again I am baffled how a grapefruit is bigger than a papaya…and wasn't the baby already the size of a grapefruit?? Is this lengthwise or if the baby is curled up into a ball?
Apparently on top of painting the nursery we now how to stress out about our financials and insurance. Also we need to find a lawyer and write a will, which is a good idea. Looking to one of JD's friends to hook us up…anyone? Anyone but Kip. 
Also on the To Do is setting up a savings account for the baby. Yes, a very good idea. Especially since statistics show that babies with savings accounts are more likely to go to college…so are smart kids. I'm banking on smart and earning a scholarship. UMASS here we come! 

The nugget (or as we now like to call it, U.F.O. (unidentified fetal object)) is developing nipples. U.F.O. is also listening to our voices now. I knew it could hear mine for a while, but now it can hear Dad's voice too. I've started trying to censor him when he is watching sporting events. Tonight's Bruins game proved difficult. "F'ing, what f'ing garbage". (I censored that). I think we might have to invest, or invent some sort of belly muff for sports games. Or at least until hockey season is over! I don't want our child's first word to be F@!%. (Update, the Bruins won the game. My husband is a very happy man.)

Symptoms for Week 23:
-Swollen feet and ankles: Hell yes. I am 90% sure this is due to flying all day Tuesday and probably not drinking enough water. I know, I know but I hate asking the guy on the aisle to constantly get up! 
-Braxton Hicks Contractions: Not that I've noticed…unless that is what I think is the baby kicking…
-Aching back: Unfortunately. It goes with the territory. I have to make sure I'm sitting up straight. I need to find a prenatal yoga class. My body pillow is not cutting it. Last night I slept on my left side until my hip hurt then I rolled to my right side until that hip hurt. The only comfortable position is my back and I'm not supposed to lay on my back! Argh!

-Bleeding and/or swollen gums: Not that I have noticed, but I do have a pretty spectacular dental history. 

As I'm sitting here writing this I just noticed that my boobs are touching my belly…jabba the hutt the style. A new low. 

Belly photo: 

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