BabyFruit Ticker

Wednesday, May 8, 2013

22 Weeks - Update

So, it turns out our week is California was so action packed we never had a moment to update the blog!
Since tomorrow is the big 23 week update I will keep this brief:

Baby is (was) the size of a papaya this week. Finally a fruit that makes sense! I've seen some pretty large papayas, so I can believe that the baby is 10.5-11.8 inches. The nugget better weigh at least 1 pound at this point…because I'm putting on some poundage and the weight better not be going just to my derrière.

This week the baby looks more and more like a newborn with pronounced nose and lips. We got to see our nugget at week 21 and boy is it cute!! 

The baby is sleeping in 12-14 hour cycles…but now that I am definitely feeling the baby move I can tell you this is fact. While I'm not actually counting the minutes between feeling kicks, the baby definitely wakes up in the evening. Nugget usually likes to kick, kick, kick while I am trying to relax. Dad is bummed he can't feel the baby moving yet, but I have a feeling in the next couple weeks he'll be able to feel our miracle move as well. It is an incredible feeling! 

Symptoms at 22 Weeks:
-Increased libido - No comment, my father reads this! 
-Stretch marks - Why yes, seems I'm developing some around my newly formed love handles
-More vaginal discharge - poor JD, his ears are burning.
-Steady weight gain - I do not own a scale, so I can only comment on the fact that I feel more and more like a whale. Some days I look little, others I look puffed up…who knows if it's weight gain or not.
-Minor swelling - Perhaps, but lots of H2O seems to do the trick!
-Back aches - My sciatica is killing me!!! Walking for long periods makes it act up. Sometimes just bending over makes it twinge. I'm looking for a prenatal yoga class to hopefully help!
-Hair growth - Other than the normal stuff…no
-Trouble catching breath - Only once did I get winded going upstairs, and in my defense I was moving pretty quickly, so yes, but not really. :)

Starting to think about maternity photos…I'd love to just have a friend grab a camera and take some nice photos of the two of us. I don't work well under pressure, or in front of strangers. We also need it to be someone JD is comfortable with so we get photos with BOTH of his eyes open! 

No belly photo this week…stay tuned for Week 23's post. 

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