BabyFruit Ticker

Thursday, May 23, 2013

25 Weeks

25 Weeks...Holy smokes! 

"It's probably dawned on you that soon you'll actually have to deliver this baby"...uhhh yeah! 

No...really I thought that if I didn't think about it, I wouldn't really have to do it!! 

The baby is the size of a cauliflower...we are into the vegetables!! Baby is really growing now. Of course at this point the fruit/veggie scale is just amusing to me. 
** So sends me weekly emails. This week it tells me the baby is a cauliflower. also designed the fruit/veggie scale seen at the top of my blog. That says the baby is an eggplant this week. Get it together!! 

Nugget is bouncing all over the place these days. While on a conference call this week I felt the U.F.O. flying around and looked down at my belly to see my bump moving around. It was crazy/creepy/cool/amazing. 
Sort of reminded me of this:
You know...just cuter

Yet another productive weekend under our belts! We made a decision on and purchased the hardwood floor for the baby's room. You should all be super impressed with how quickly we made a decision!! We then trucked it home, ripped up the carpeting in the nursery (I discovered a dead mouse under the carpet...1. How did it get there? 2. How long had it been there??), and pulled up the nasty pad that goes under the carpeting. 
The Blank Canvas

Much to our surprise there was a usable sub-floor underneath! 

Sunday was the big Fire on the Water event at Indian Ranch that our little satellite church group had been planning. It was very successful. We ended up with over 100 people! It was a long day, but a very special one!  

Cherry on top? The B's won! 

Tuesday night I worked late in order to attend the Class of 2013 Alumni Association Induction Dinner...being an alumna who also works at the school I sat at a table with 8 graduating seniors. The students could pick whichever table they wanted. Mine was one of the last ones to fill was all boys. They were fun. They told me all about their senior pranks and looking forward to drinking and partying in college. 

My peeps

Oh and the B's won again! 3-0

Pregnancy symptoms from
-Constipation - No, I mastered this during Week 5 - drink water! eat greens!
-Hemorrhoids - No thank god! Not sure I'd want to know if I did.
-Gas and bloating - Sure but worse than a period week? Nope.
-Heartburn - I am very lucky. I only had heartburn once. This baby is going to love spicy food because I test the heartburn trigger a lot. 
-All-over aches and pains - Yes...could be my posture, could be how I sleep, could be that I really don't exercise or stretch at all...
-Trouble sleeping - Oh boy. Apparently Week 24/25 is the time when comfort goes out the window. Nothing is comfortable. The baby is always kicking my bladder. It's too hot. I had the joy of being woken in the middle of the night by calf cramps the other night. I'm blaming this on the fact that we haven't had bananas in the house this whole week...

To Do:
-Schedule glucose tolerance test...if you need to: So does this mean I might not need to?? Cause the first time they took my blood I passed out would be really nice if they didn't have to take more blood.
-Pick out maternity clothes - ???? Do people really get to Week 25 without having purchased maternity clothes??? IMPOSSIBLE! I needed them over a month ago. I have a globe where my abs used to be. 

This weekend Jurve will be home for a couple days. I am exploiting them for slave labor while they're home. Irv, Jason and JD will be busy installing our hardwood floor while June and I sweat in the garden. There are quite a few things we need to dig up, tame, kill, replace. Step 1: Identify what are weeds and what are plants to keep (they are so tall I can't tell the difference!). Step 2: Is that poison ivy? Step 3: Open the pool for the season!! Woot Woot! (except that it's going to be 50 degrees this weekend...)

We started painting the nursery last night. Realized after putting the first coat of paint on that the compound we used to fix a couple holes was visible through the coat of paint. Good news is that this morning it looked as though as the paint dried the spots disappeared. Hoping with the 2nd coat we will be golden! I managed to help paint 2 walls in the room before my back started to hurt...still paying for it today. My fabulous husband finished the job while I made dinner. Pretty good trade off if you ask me! 

I forgot to take a bare belly bump pic but I'll be posting an update tomorrow with new ultrasound photos (YAY!) so you'll get to see my "when-is-that-belly-button-going-to-pop" belly photo. 

Until then:

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