BabyFruit Ticker

Saturday, July 27, 2013

34 Weeks

Sorry for the delayed, and what will inevitably be a shorter post…
This past week I spent Sunday-Thursday at a conference for work. It was a lot of fun and I learned a lot. The only downside was sleeping in a dorm room. While the nostalgia of it was magical, being pregnant and sleeping on a crappy twin mattress was not magical. Even having my husband pillow there didn't make a difference. 
It was great to have dinner with friends while I was in Burlington. It had been so long since I had been to Burlington, I didn't remember how big of a city it was. It is such a cute little city. We need to work on getting Webster up to speed…starting with revitalizing downtown. Let's replace the empty storefronts with restaurants! At least one Mexican one please! 

At UVM there is a tunnel connecting the two sides of campus. My guess is it is more due to not having to wait for the walk signal to cross the busy street, but maybe it has to do with the winter weather as well. Anyway, I walked through the tunnel at least twice daily during my visit. Every time I did I expected Willy Wonka to show up on a river of chocolate…very strange. 

So, we are at 34 weeks…6 weeks until my due date! I am so excited to meet this little rascal. I'm just hoping I survive the next 6 weeks…and what could end up being 8 more weeks because apparently I come from a long line of women having their babies at least 2 weeks late…

Nugget is the size of a butternut squash (or honeydew melon) this week. Whatever vegetable Nugget is, he/she is certainly filling up my belly. It is really cool to see my entire belly move when the UFO goes for a swim, or when he/she pushes a foot or hand across my belly from the inside…very UFO like. 

At this point the baby may start descending into my pelvic area which will relieve some pressure on my lungs, but putting more pressure on my bladder. I can't imagine peeing more often than I already do! But, there is no guarantee the baby will descend until labor day. This morning I was out of breath after getting up to use the bathroom…it's not that far away. 

The baby is starting to react to music. It is suggested I start singing or playing some lullabies because the baby will recognize them once born, and the ones I play often may soothe the baby.

-Blurry Vision: I have actually noticed this while driving. Road signs are a little more blurry than they used to be…Most likely attributed to my lack of sleep.
-Fatigue: If only I could sleep later than 5am these days…
-Constipation: Negativo…fiber is your friend!
-Swollen ankles and feet: Once the heatwave finally broke, so did my cankles.

My shower is today!! I am so excited to see family and friends. God stopped crying so we could have a lovely day by the lake. (Anyone else pretend rain meant God was crying when you were a kid? Thunder was God and the angels bowling?) 

The crib has arrived!! JD and I are picking it up on Sunday. I can't wait to get it put together!! And get the nursery together and ready for Nugget! 

I washed a load of baby clothes yesterday…oh my god they are so cute and tiny! However, it takes longer to fold tiny clothes than adult clothes. What is the best way to fold onesies?? I'm sure there is a Pinterest post for that…

Dr. K says I am looking good! My weight is great, blood pressure is spot on, urine dip is great (whatever they look for). Apparently I'm doing it right. So, unlike when I started driving horribly right before my driver's ed test, I will not slack off these next 6 weeks. Let's finish on a high note! And hopefully not a high weight note! 

Friday was Olin Moss Cronk's 2nd birthday. The little munchkin came over for birthday dinner and presents. He sure loves Uncle JD and Grampa, the ladies in his life other than Mom? Eh. I got a cursory hug and kiss goodbye, JD got a real squeeze. Apparently I need to break his whiffle ball to get a genuine hug too! I kid…
The boy can dance...
Multi-tasker…dancing and baseball

Sorry this week's post is not up to snuff. It was a long and exhausting week and I have to conserve my energy for opening presents and eating lots of food! 

Belly shot…

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