BabyFruit Ticker

Friday, August 2, 2013

35 Weeks

I'd like to start with a big THANK YOU to everyone who came to my shower on the 27th, or sent a gift. (This does not count as a formal thank you note). It was a wonderful day and we feel truly blessed! This little Nugget is so loved. 

June made some ridiculously delicious food, as usual! 
There were cake pops galore! 
And a big thank you to my Advancement family for throwing a joint shower for the Abkes and Rogers' as well. Any excuse to go out to lunch right? Seriously, thank you so much! We can't wait for our future Griffin to arrive.

35 Weeks
The pressure is on! 
5 weeks to go until my due date. For those of you with baby pools, I will probably be late, it runs in the family. However, you never know...I could be the black sheep.

We have LOTS to do before the baby comes. 
-Finish organizing all the baby clothes, toys, supplies
-Finish putting the nursery together 
-Get crack-a-lackin' on a changing table
-Purchase the remaining important items we need for the baby
-Remove our box spring because the bed is 4 feet off the ground and that sounds like a hazard to a tired Mommy trying to get her baby in the middle of the night

Nugget is the size of a coconut this week (or a Honeydew, which are about the same size).
He/she won't get any longer at this point, but will start packing on the pounds. Baby's hearing is completely developed and will respond best to high pitched my whimpers of horror that we won't be ready when the baby decides to come.
"Baby won't care if you haven't checked every little detail off your list" - No, but I will! Do you not know me at all??

The pregnancy mood swings have found me. I've been pretty easy going this entire pregnancy, but the last couple weeks I have been on a roller coaster. Little things drive me absolutely nuts! I'm crying at the drop of a hat. I'm worrying, stressing...and if I'm hungry, watch out. 
I was on a rampage after our birthing class this week. JD was cooking dinner and every little annoying thing was finding me. JD just stopped cooking, hugged me and said "We need to feed you". 
It worked. I was a much happier camper. 

Birthing class is over! Now we are totally prepared for the baby and we know exactly what to do and what to expect...
This week we learned about newborns. What they will look like when they come out, the physical characteristics that are worrisome and the basics of breastfeeding. The nurse told us "most babies do this or that...but not all babies. Your baby may do something completely different and unexpected (Good luck)". I know there is a learning curve and at first we will have no idea what to do, I'm just hoping that maternal instinct kicks in sooner than later. 

We picked up our crib this week. I have been so excited about the crib for so long. We drove to New Bedford to pick it up. First we went to the main store and were told we had to go to the outlet store. We arrived at the outlet store and were greeted by 3 ladies. Two were "training" the third. They promptly announced "We're not doing anything, she has to learn". Awesome. After they were searching for our order, we were told we had to drive around to the loading dock.
ME: How do we get there?
Trainee: I hope I can remember...Just drive around and into the alcove.
ME: Around what? Oh the side of the building? On this side? 

Ok, so once we got in the car it was wicked easy to find, but that just makes her directions even more ridiculous. HOW WERE YOU WORRIED YOU WOULDN'T BE ABLE TO REMEMBER THOSE DIRECTIONS? Sheesh!

We made it to the loading dock. I took one look at the box the crib was in and knew we were in trouble. There was no way it was going to fit in the car. The loading dock workers were adamant that we could not open the box. I was adamant that I was not about to drive all the way home to get the pick up truck and drive all the way back. So we opened the box. Got all the pieces home intact and put the crib together. We then realized it was the wrong crib. Wrong is an overstatement...wrong model. I ordered the "Safety-gate" style that made it easier for a shortie like me to place the baby in and out of the crib. It also came with the toddler bed conversion kit included (which saved us $200). This crib did not have the safety-gate or the conversion kit. When I called the store I explained the sitch and said I'm happy to keep the crib I got, but I want the conversion kit. I was told I didn't need the conversion kit. I could just remove the front of the crib and the mattress springs would still hold up the mattress...
...except that when you remove the front of the crib the bed would topple over because the sides of the crib don't reach the floor. I explained this and was told "that's what the guy who puts these things together told me". Well he must be an engineering genius and I must be wrong. I told her that didn't sound right to me, and on top of all of these issues I paid more for the crib I ordered than the crib I got. She had to call me back. After the 4th back and forth phone call they decided they were going to ship me the conversion kit.

See...I am moody.
That was long and ranty...sorry. 

Pregnancy Symptoms at 35 Weeks:
-Frequent urge to pee: Yes. When I get up in the middle of the night JD always asks "What's wrong?" It's the same answer every time...just have to pee.
-Constipation: Fiber...
-Aches and Pains: Mostly when I'm driving in the car. It is horribly uncomfortable and crippling...good thing I don't spend a lot of time in the car. 
-Contractions: Minor, but once in a while I do feel my whole uterus tighten. Or else its the Nugget pushing out from the inside...who knows! 

Adding my own:
-Swollen feet: Seriously ridiculous swollen feet. My hands a little too, but at the end of the day my feet look like Hobbit feet. (Minus the hair)
-Mood swings: Watch out! 
-Panic/Worry: There is so much to do and buy! 

I think I've spent more time looking for gifs than actually typing this blog...

To Dos:
-Pack my hospital bag: I presented JD with my typed checklist of items to pack. We may need to buy a bigger bag.
-Schedule Strep B test: Done (Apparently some women carry the Strep bacterium in their Vajayjay and it can infect the baby during delivery)
-Address birth announcement envelopes: While this is a clever idea, the envelopes for my birth announcements come with the birth announcements and since we don't know what we're having I can't do this ahead of time. PLUS I'm still working on addressing my shower thank you envelopes. 

This weekend we are going to Brewfest at Indian Ranch. It is a pretty impressive beer festival with over 100 breweries. I will be the designated driver, not tasting all the amazing, wonderful beer. Should be a blast! 
I kid, it will be fun to see friends we haven't seen in a while! Hoping the weather stays gorgeous and we can get some boat time (pre-beer tasting) and pool time in. 

Looking forward to Amanda coming to visit next weekend! Even if for one night...

Belly photo: I'm not sure I've gotten any bigger...

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