BabyFruit Ticker

Friday, July 19, 2013

33 Weeks

Did you guys notice that it's like 100 degrees out this week? I have literally been sweating bullets. I carry a sweat rag with me to sop it all up. I arrived at our birthing class this week with sweat under my boobs that you could see through my dress…wicked attractive.

Mr. Rogers chiming in in red.  The things you can do today...

Yea you have an excuse.  I on the other hand had a back-sweat drenched polo after sitting in traffic for almost 2 hours.  AC on full blast does absolutely nothing.  Anyone want to buy a Subie? Mint condition.

It really is disgusting out.  As always I marvel at the fact people rather this to a beautiful snowy winter's day.  When it's cold, you can snuggle up.  When it's hot there's nothing you can do.  Unless you're this guy...

Speaking of birthing class...this week's class was graphic. We started the class with a video on the different stages of labor. I'd guess the video was made around 1985. It was on VHS...I'm impressed the hospital still has a VHS player. We witnessed various women in the varying stages of labor showcasing the different positions you could labor in. There was a woman in some rad polka dot pajamas laboring in a rocking chair. There was a woman laboring on a birthing ball, also known as an exercise ball. There was a naked lady delivering her baby and she looked like she wanted to die. Very inspirational and reassuring. We then witnessed her birthing the placenta...this made one of the dads have to leave the room. (Not JD)

To be fair, that particular dad is a wuss.  I kid, the poor guy is on pain killers.  It was very graphic and completely against my serene meadow mental image.  I told Rach she should definitely utilize the birthing ball.  That just looked like pure fun and pretty much guarantees our little UFO will be an athlete. 

We then spent an hour going through the different labor positions ourselves. I liked the slow dancing move...but its really just a way to get JD to dance with me. Our teacher also showed us how to relieve tension. Squeezing a certain area when mom takes a deep breath, whether it is your head, shoulders, neck, arms, face, etc and then releasing when she breaths out is supposed to ease some pressure. I did NOT like the squeezing of the face. JD took note. 

Woh woh woh.  "really just a way to get JD to dance with me"???  I'll go all 8th grade slow dance with you any night.  Bumpin and grindin? Loud noise / terrible music?  No thanks.  Again, sweat.

Leave room for the Holy Ghost...Is that Drew Barrymore?

Definitely noted on the face.  I do think while this was specifically speaking about pressure relieving tactics, a cold cloth and even a gentle wash of the face will feel amazing when she's transitioning.

I also did NOT like having someone wave their fingers in front of my face. This is part of the "Take Charge Routine". I can tell you when I'm in labor, working through a contraction, and you are waving your finger in front of my face to make sure I keep breathing, I will bite off your finger. Unless I'm hysterical, do not attempt any part of the Take Charge Routine.
We then did some breathing and relaxation exercises. I enjoyed this part very much. JD and I are adopting it into our night time routine.

I decided the Take Charge Routine will be implemented using a mini flag.  Or maybe an ice cream cone.  Something she won't get mad at.  The "vocalization" was interesting as well.  That high pitched yelps / screams are flexed and tight muscles while low grunts relax all muscles but those Rach wants to be pushing with.  Being the coach, I have to encourage and imitate these productive pain relief sounds so she'll follow suit after falling into:

The final part of class was another video (oh boy!) of one woman's journey through childbirth. This was on a DVD, but I have to imagine it was remastered. If not, Deborah hadn't gone shopping in 25 years. We watched Deborah in her early labor grabbing a bite to eat and taking walks. Her husband never once changed out of his 3 piece suit. Once they decided to go to the hospital Deborah was at took 8 more hours to reach 10cm. We then watched their beautiful little girl come into the world. I definitely got a little teary eyed. This time the nurse warned the queasy dad in our class so he didn't watch the graphic bit. 

Told Rach, I probably will not be in a suit WITH SUSPENDERS for the birth of our child.  Call it "us kids" or "the new world"...He did look sharp.  But I only have two suits and with the chance of one getting VERY dirty...Just can't take the risk.

Aren't you glad I didn't find any gifs to illustrate my points for this section?
Good time for 2 Dumb & Dumber GIFs, sequel confirmed!!

Next week we will learn all about complications that can arise and their solutions. Should be a fun class.

Yes, she mentioned forceps.  I know what I use forceps for when I'm fishing.  I'm not sure I knew forceps had other functions.  Especially on humans.

Now we are at 33 weeks. I can't imagine how I can get any bigger...but I will! The baby is the size of a Durian fruit! What? You don't know what a durian fruit is? Have you been living under a rock? 
Seriously, what the hell is a durian fruit? Thanks to The Bump I know it looks like this:

This looks like something you'd take into medieval battle...

But have you ever seen one in person? Didn't think so...
This is what it looks like on the inside: 
Not that appetizing...

Anyway, the Nugget is opening and closing its eyes, coordinating its breathing with sucking and swallowing (wouldn't want it to choke!), its bones are hardening, and the brain is continuing to develop.

"You've probably been feeling overheated"...Yea, just a tad. After our birthing class this week, and after dinner, we went for a night swim. It was about 9:30/10. The moon was out and it was probably the most refreshed I've felt in a long time. Definitely something to add to our routine as well.

Absolutely.  The pool has gotten up to 87 degrees.  During the day it's really just a matter of "would you rather be wet as a result of bodily function or wet as a result of personal choice."  However, at night when the temp had dropped all the way to upper 70s, this felt very refreshing.  Oh, Rach getting into the pool:

Symptoms this week:
-Overheated: We've established that Bump. I'm sure I'd be much more comfortable if this heat broke.
-Headaches: I have indeed had a few headaches, but I believe they are from the heat and possibly not drinking enough water. 
-Shortness of breath: Walking around in excessive heat and humidity...yes. 
-Baby Brain: Oh yes. I've had major brain farts lately. Sometimes I sound like Sheriff Rottingham.
I'm so glad I found this...

These symptoms and all, Rach handling like a champ.  Much stronger than I...

Must do: 

-"Install the car seat." Really? Seems a bit early...but ok.  Before the crib?  Or is that supposed to be done already?  Figured we'd just live in the hospital for awhile.  The Birthing Center rooms are fantastic.

- Get a new float.  A Schoppe sibling (I won't say which one) broke our deluxe Target special.

Accomplishments this week:

-We managed to get our pool running as it should. This brilliant woman figured out why we were having trouble retaining chlorine. You can now see the bottom of the pool! Whoop whoop!

-My team came in 2nd in the Innaugural Advancement Corn Hole Tournament

I also won "Best Dressed"

I want to start measuring this baby bump. I'd love to know my circumference.  I took this picture from bed.  Go me.  Look at that beautiful Mama to be.  I still say The Chive (for those that know it) should begin instilling pregnant ladies galleries.  Have plenty of photos that would make Rach an inaugural entrant.  

Until next week!!

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