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Thursday, July 4, 2013

31 Weeks

Happy Independence Day America!

And Happy 31 weeks to us! 

Our little Nugget has been kicking up a storm. We like to kick around lunch time and then when I'm going to sleep. Nugget doesn't keep me up. Dad and the U.F.O. play together while Mom sleeps. 

Nugget's 5 senses have fully developed and is getting smarter...although I think the baby is stealing my brain power. The synapses haven't been firing as quickly as of late. 
On Tuesday I got really excited because the list of bands performing at the Woodstock Fair was announced. On Labor Day the Red Hot Chili Peppers are performing! I sent JD a note...seems a bit small town for the RHCPs but great for the town of Woodstock! 

Upon further inspection by JD, it turns out the band scheduled to perform is the Red Hot Chilli Pipers...
Slightly different...

I received plenty of ridicule for this one. I think the real RHCPs should sue...people are obviously going to show up expecting one thing and then will find themselves wondering why all of these people are wearing kilts.

I got weighed last week at the doctor's office and I gained 5 pounds the last month...Bringing my total weight gain to 22 far. I've never weighed this much before. I don't feel like I look like I gained 22 pounds, but as my darling husband pointed out I've gotten used to this body. So, apparently he's noticed I've gained 22 pounds. Love you too!
I've certainly noticed how difficult it is to get off the couch, pick things up off the floor, and put my shoes on. I notice a particular spot at work that creaks when I walk over it...and never noticed that happening before! I worry every morning I go up and down the stairs that I will wake Tito up because of how loud the creaking is. 9 more weeks and probably 10 more pounds to go...

Baby is the size of a pineapple. So that's what has been jabbing me in the ribs. 
Or the baby is the size of a squash...whichever you choose! 

Last weekend was very active. We were productive around the house and then rewarded ourselves with a trip to the Disc Golf course. I just walked the course, which is really a pretty intense hike, while Marc and JD played. So glad I didn't play. I would not have been a happy camper and would have spent more time looking for my frisbee than actually playing.
 Beautiful course though. 

Then we took a boat ride on the lake. I went in just far enough...I find I am much more cautious getting in the water these days. I think my skin is more sensitive to the cold water. Plus, I can't jump in like I used to just to get it over with. Having to be dainty about getting in the water and walking down the ladder really ruins the experience.
No Mr. Lake Policeman...this isn't beer...I promise.

Sunday I went grocery shopping at 7am...couldn't sleep. Then cleaned the house top to bottom. I was one sweaty beast when I was done. My brother and Ella came over to swim. Perfect timing! We then spent most of the afternoon hanging out in or around the pool or at the YoFro place. A glorious day. 

For whatever reason Webster holds their fireworks display on July 3rd. Because everyone knows Independence Day Eve is a really big holiday!! We took the boat out with friends and kiddos. 
I was very impressed by the Webster fireworks. Jason and crew joined us. 

JD is off to Saratoga Springs for two nights of Phish shows. I would have gone but sleeping on the ground sounds the worst thing in the world right now!
As does being dead sober around a bunch of high/drunk teenagers. (The adults are fine...usually). 

I, on the other hand, will be heading to MV for (hopefully not) the final weekend of the summer. The rest of our summer is jam packed with plans on the weekends. Even though I tried to keep August relatively free of plans since I will be Shamu size by then, we still have plans all four weekends. One is because I'm the best wife ever and bought tickets to Brewfest at Indian Ranch...I will be the designated driver who will have to navigate all 1 miles home with no help from anyone. 

Pregnancy Symptoms
-Out of breath: Not so much out of breath, more just getting jabbed in the diaphragm/ribs
-Dry, brittle nails: Actually my nails are pretty tough.
-Braxton Hicks Contractions: Maybe? Now I think it might just be the baby since Nugget could be 15 inches long!
-Leaky Boobs: No.
-Frequent Urination: I literally get back from going to the bathroom and have to pee again.

-Back aches: Constant
-Difficulty Sleeping: "Could be due to aches and pains, your big belly, hormones, heartburn and anxiety" Or the fact that it has been 90 degrees for a week!

Very excited for my baby shower coming up in 3 weeks! 

And to send you off this week:

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