BabyFruit Ticker

Friday, July 12, 2013

32 Weeks

Carrot sticks are a life saver. When there is nothing in the house for a pregnant woman to eat for lunch, carrot sticks go a long way. I'm surprised I haven't turned orange. We, and by we I mean someone other than me, needs to go grocery shopping. And soon. Otherwise I fear this is my future: 

Why are you famous again?

Apparently the baby hasn't grown at all this week because it is still the size of a squash. At least that is better than one of my other pregnancy websites that say the baby is the size of 4 naval oranges...not 3, 4. 

"At 32 weeks, baby's birth still seems really far away". Speak for yourself! 2 months, 8 weeks, 57 days, 1368 hours, 82,080 seconds..nah light-years away. 

"You may have noticed your nipples looking darker"...they get darker???

The baby may be in the head down position, readying itself for birth. But, I'm not sure the baby has flipped over yet. I still get jabbed in the ribs by something that feels like a head...but maybe its a rump...

"and it's probably feeling even more cramped"...IT's feeling more cramped? I'm the one that feels like this: 

Symptoms this week:
-Braxton Hicks Contractions becoming more intense: I think I don't know what these are or feel like because I'm assuming whatever I'm feeling is either the baby kicking or pushing out with a foot or hand.
-Shortness of breath: I'm having no problems breathing normally. When I get hot I have issues breathing. And I've been getting hot a lot. The heat wave isn't helping. 
-Heartburn: I'm so thankful I haven't had any heartburn! 
-Enlarged breasts that may leak: I am on the lookout for leakage! My worst fear...

Why aren't we talking about swollen feet this week? Cause I have some pretty judy feet going on lately. 
Hello cankles and sausage toes!

Speaking of is so hot right now. I'm hot all the time. At work, in the car, trying to sleep, even the pool is so warm that it is almost not even refreshing to jump in. When I get hot, I get hotter because I'm sweating and then I'm self-conscious that I'm sweating. Does that person notice that I'm sweating? On the Fast Ferry to MV this past weekend, on a boat that is usually kept so cold icicles form on the windows, I was sweating so much I had to get napkins from the snack bar and the girl sitting next to me MOVED! HA.
Sweaty Betty.

To Dos:
Get any items you still need for baby: Whoa, whoa, whoa...still need? Um, everything!!!

This past weekend, JD spent some time in Saratoga Springs at 2 Phish shows...his version of heaven. He had a blast, and as always, ran into some random person he knows that he hasn't seen in years!

I spent this past weekend at my own version of heaven...the Vineyard. I usually avoid the 4th of July weekend because of the massive amounts of idiots that come visit. This weekend had its fair share of annoying, oblivious people, but balanced with relaxing time on the beach, at the Down Harbor annual picnic, and some QT with Jurve. 
Not a flattering shot...
The camera focused on the salt spray...

We attended our first Prepared Childbirth Class this week. There were only three couples in the class, which I like because then we can get a more personal experience. I LOVE the woman that teaches the class. I sort of hope she will be my L&D nurse. We all introduced ourselves at the beginning of class. We are due August 20th, September 6th and September 20th. I felt really good about my own preparation because I knew 90% of the information Charlene was telling us. We learned about the anatomy of pregnancy, with visual aids. JD definitely got a lot out of this portion. As a man, I'm sure its hard to visualize what is going on inside your wife reading a book with no pictures. We went over some of the basics of labor, when to head to the hospital, and what will happen when you get to the hospital. We then took a tour of the birthing center. I had been there, but 9 years ago. It really is impressive. Even though they have rooms with 2 beds, they try their best not to double up Moms...thank you! I can't imagine trying to bond with my baby with another family doing the same thing. I'm looking forward to the rest of the classes. It's just nice to be around other women due around the same time and knowing I'm not the only one who is nervous and has lots of questions! 

Looking forward to a relaxing weekend on the Lake. I plan on lounging in my pool until I grow fins. 

Clothed baby bump:

Nakey baby bump: 

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