BabyFruit Ticker

Friday, June 28, 2013

30 Weeks

Let the countdown begin!! 
Well folks we are 10 weeks away (but most likely 11 1/7 weeks) from meeting our little Nugget. 
10 weeks sounds like nothing, but I prefer to say 2 1/2 months...makes it sound like we have more time to get ready. 

The Nugget shower invite went out. I'm so excited to see friends and family that I haven't seen since either the wedding or the holidays!! And it's an excuse to design new thank you cards. 

This week my email newsletter says the baby is the size of a English one according to the picture. But the ticker at the top of ye olde blog says squash...go figure.

This past weekend I went out to the Vineyard to visit Jurve. I missed my darling husband, but it was nice to have them to myself. We dined at the Slice of Life, went to the beach (the water is now just warm enough to pee in), we had the requisite bagel at Espresso Love and a lovely walk to town. On my way home on the fast ferry we were a wee bit late to the boat and there were no open seats. After many people watched a pregnant woman traveling alone and hauling luggage, a woman, Wendy, offered me a seat at her table. She was traveling with her two young daughters. They offered to deal me in to their next round of UNO. It was awesome. They were so lovely and chatty. Luckily they let me sit with them because it was a rough ride to New Bedford. So a big thank you to Wendy, Eva and Ella for keeping me company. Then when waiting in line for the shuttle to the parking lot I played the pregnant card for the first time and was the last one on the bus...first one off and 4th car in line to pay! Score!

Stop!!  Totally my (JD's) turn to write.  I've been asking and asking to have a second opportunity to contribute, but Rach has been all:

So, kidding.  In reality I was supposed to draft a post yesterday, but instead did this when I got home from office:

Which is what my beautiful wife should be doing, not being at a brewery in Boston.  She's been such the trooper with some late nights at "the office".  And her back has been really bothering her so it's doubly difficult to do your job.  Especially one that involves schmoozing to fundraise!

Yes I did miss Rach and the Schoppes dearly while they were out on the Vineyard this past weekend. However with the aid our new roommate Tito we were able to do do this to the side of Lake Jr.:

Doesn't look as impressive in the photo, all the brush in the foreground was hauled off as well.  Now need to spray and see what we can do over there.  Slowly but surely things coming together at 12 Scenic Ave.

Hard to believe we're only 10 weeks away from meeting our beautiful U.F.O!  Where, after those 10 weeks the bebe will be neither U or F.  We started putting together the Birthing Plan with the help of Lex.  Thank goodness for her advice and insights.  There is an accepted procedure of fetal monitoring (I believe) where a hole is drilled into the head during labor.  I've always been taught babies have soft spots and the little dome is a place to be extra careful with.  Evidently a #80 / .0135 drill bit is considered safe.  No thanks.

I am however prepared to catch our tiny one and cut the umbilical cord once the placenta is birthed.  Thus far, I've only read up on this.  I have not seen visuals.  In my head it's basically a beautiful prairie with flowers, aromatic scents and sensual sounds as we frolic all around.  Serenity now!

I do hope it truly is small-ish and easy for Rach's sake.  We would not want something such as below, though we'd love him or her all the same:

As Rach started to say, we're all over the vegetable spectrum here at 30 Weeks.  According to The Bump, apparently our nugget has shrunk.  Not sure in what world a cucumber is bigger than an eggplant.  English or not.

Quite possibly my favorite thing about newborns and the months following is their instinct to grasp fingers tightly with their hands.  Now at 30 weeks, his or her hands are now strong enough to do so!  Awesome.  The skin is also very smooth and the brain is rounding into form, "getting wrinklier", to continually develop brain tissue.

This week's symptoms:

*Heartburn - Do not believe she has complained of it, but that doesn't mean she hasn't had it.

*Swelling - She mentioned this happening:

That would have been way funnier with a GIF of the slipper popping off...That's what happened.  Not impressed cyber world.
*General discomfort - She's said this exact phrase with a few (expletives) preceding, in between, and succeeding.

*Shortness of breath - Rach had a bout of this, but it was weeks ago.  Do not believe it has bothered her since.

*Trouble Sleeping - Very yes.  See, I told you your new husband was not as cool as your old one.  

*Weird, Vivid Dreams - Hmmm, I've heard some very weird dreams of hers even before she was pregnant.  Like Labyrinth weird.

*Insatiable Frozen Yogurt Cravings - Constant.  I added this symptom.

And here's the gorgeous momma just yesterday.  Shopping of course.  Surrrrre you had an event to run:

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