BabyFruit Ticker

Thursday, April 4, 2013

18 Weeks

OMG People!! OMG!! 
It is so fitting that the baby is the size of a sweet potato this week!! 5.6 inches long and 6.7 ounces and growing. "That's why you're probably feeling so hungry" - No, I'm always hungry - pregnant or not! 
Crazy to think that when the baby is born it could weigh that much in pounds.

The baby is moving around like crazy right now - I only wish I could feel the nugget move. But, apparently it is yawning, hiccuping, sucking on its thumb (awwww), and swallowing. He/She is also twisting, rolling, punching and kicking...I haven't felt this yet, but I'm pretty excited to! 

We had a pretty eventful week. Friday night we finally met the elusive girlfriend of a family friend - OK Nick, she's real. Saturday we held an awesome 60th birthday party for Grandpa Rogers. - Thought we gave the man a heart attack when we all surprised him.
Sunday was Easter - ah Easter the Overtime of holidays. It is the last glutinous holiday before Thanksgiving rolls around again. JD thinks he eats a lot on The Fourth of July - but really he is full because of the beer consumption, not the food - doesn't count. 
Easter was great! Rose at 6am for the Sunrise Service at Lake Sr. followed by a delicious brunch at Jurve's. Man they can cook! Blue corn waffles, bacon, ham, asparagus, fresh fruit and the most amazing mashed potato casserole in the world. Not to be outdone by the potatoes, there was a refreshing homemade Key Lime Pie. Thank god we moved home so we are closer to all this food!! Then we rounded out the day with dinner at Lake Sr. Leg of lamb, roasted root veggies, asparagus and mashed potatoes. I forget what we had for dessert, not because it wasn't memorable but because I was most definitely in a food coma by this point. All in all an excellent Easter 2013. 

Now Easter has always been the true start of Spring for me. There should be crocuses and daffodils coming up. This entire week has been sub-30 degrees and windy. Hey Spring! I DO NOT fit into my pants anymore so my legs are freezing. Please show up soon or I will call you Winter and forget you exist.

Pregnancy Symptoms at 18 Weeks from
-Baby Kicks - Probably but I can't feel them yet. And hey, that is not a symptom, it is a pleasure! (Maybe symptoms aren't always bad things...are there positive symptoms?)
-Swollen Feet/Hands - Nope! As long as I keep my water intake up and salt intake down. 
-Back Aches - None since I got my new husband...I mean, body pillow. It really has worked wonders. Plus, my belly isn't so big that it causes problems yet. (Speaking of, I feel like my belly is in the 20% percentile. Its pretty small...and squishy.)
-Leg Cramps - None! 
-Varicose Veins - No new ones anyway...stop crossing your legs!! 
-Trouble Sleeping - Not at all. I fall asleep before my head hits the pillow. Only issue is I usually wake up just before JD's alarm goes off around 5am. But I'm pretty sure this is due to the fact that I am asleep by 9:30 and not that I'm not sleeping well. 
-Nosebleeds - Yes....oh yes. They are very annoying but the lesser of all the above stated evils. 
Really not a bad week for symptoms at all! Feeling good people. 

I had a bunch of kale that I needed to eat quickly. So I made a smoothie. Holy yummy! Kale, Frozen mango, banana and OJ. It was so good! I wish I had more kale to put into it! I'm going to buy two bunches of kale at a time from now on. One for my dinner veggie and one for my smoothies. 
You won't like me when I'm angry! 

Our babymoon starts in 28 days!! 

Next week JD will be guest-writing the blog. I have encouraged him to add his own tidbits when he wants but it's fantasy season so he's busy! 

Little nugget
I hadn't 'doed my hair yet so no judging! 

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